UltraAPI ComplyTM

Powered by Cequence

API Compliance & Security Posture Management

Strengthen API security and ensure regulatory compliance.

UltraAPI Comply

UltraAPI Comply strengthens your API security and simplifies regulatory compliance with continuous 360-degree visibility

UltraAPI Comply integrates powerful, purpose-built tools with an intuitive interface to provide visibility into internal and external APIs, including shadow, hidden, deprecated and third-party developed APIs that are more likely to be unprotected.  Crucially, it also incorporates continuous testing with risk and conformance assessment capabilities that make it simpler to uncover and remediate coding errors and other vulnerabilities that compromise your digital infrastructure and your business.

  • Prevent data loss and fraud with runtime visibility, monitoring, and assessment APIs across your network.
  • Enable comprehensive testing of your APIs to ensure critical vulnerabilities are remediated before production.
  • Avoid compliance violations with ML-based sensitive data discovery and analysis.
  • Strengthen effectiveness of security and data governance teams with continuous API testing and compliance management.

Essential tool for enhancing API compliance and security posture management

Organizations struggle to track and assess numerous APIs from various sources, posing challenges for security and compliance. UltraAPI Comply provides essential tools to monitor, assess, and remediate API and web application risks effectively.

Continuous 360-degree visibility

Discovery, inventory tracking, and risk categorization for public-facing and internal APIs, both managed and unmanaged, allows you to manage your API footprint. The graphic Inventory Dashboard displays APIs based on risk, with instant drilldown access to critical metrics like usage by country, IP address, and organization.

Customizable, ML-based analysis and discovery of potential compliance violations​

Prominently displayed on the Sensitive Data Exposure dashboard, this information allows prompt identification and remediation of vulnerabilities in APIs and endpoints to prevent brand damage and expensive fines. Analysis is based on both predefined and customizable data patterns, with immediate access to essential details.

Expansive integration with your API infrastructure​

It includes API gateways, CDNs, proxies, load balancers, ingress controllers, and more – ensuring complete discovery across your API footprint. And with a broad set of included REST-based APIs, you can push specifications, metrics, and updates to UltraAPI Comply and export data for analysis and fraud remediation.

Flexible options for every business

Vercara offers an affordable, comprehensive cloud-based security packages tailored for small to mid-sized businesses, combining reliable DNS, effective DDoS protection, and an intuitive WAF.

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